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What you’ll choose Marble Tiles or Granite Tiles?

What you’ll choose Marble Tiles or Granite Tiles?

What you’ll choose Marble Tiles or Granite Tiles?-  Marble tiles and granite tiles are the two most popular natural stones which have been in the architecture industry for a long time. They both have their own advantages over each other in terms of look, durability, designs, and patterns.

When choosing countertops for your kitchen or bathroom, granite and marble surfaces are popular choices. They are natural stones, so both marble and granite surfaces are susceptible to chipping and staining.  However, granite is more durable than marble and less prone to stains and scratching. For this reason, granite is often found in kitchens, while marble is more common in other areas, like bathrooms and living rooms.


Marble Tiles VS Granite Tiles

Marble Tiles

It is basically used for flooring. It is a metamorphic rock composed of carbonate which is formed when limestone in the ground’s crust is subjected to high pressure and temperature. Marble tile flooring sets a perfect statement in any entryway or floor space within your home or commercial space. It has a reputation of being one of the most luxurious home design materials and its attractive veining and color options can truly make it stand out in any room.



Granite Tiles

Granite is an igneous rock that gets formed when exposed to high heat. Its structure is crystalline, and tiles made from granite are very dense and strong. Granite tile strength is almost the same as porcelain. Granite is an ideal option for kitchen countertops, and using granite tiles instead of solid granite can also save you lots of money.



 Marble vs. Granite

  1. Longevity and Hardness: –

Granite tile is comparatively harder and stronger than marble tile. It is mostly known as the most durable natural stone and compared to marble tile.  It is resistant to heat and can withstand hot cookware therefore it is the perfect stone for kitchen countertops. Marble is also at risk of fading color and becoming dull over time. Unlike the stains which can be removed, a dulled marble has no way of getting its shine back. It is an irreversible process and a major disadvantage of marble tile.



2. Reactivity to Acidic substance: 

Both natural stones have a porous formation but the metamorphic attributes of marble tile make it more porous and therefore marble is easily stained from spills especially from liquids that are acidic in nature. On the other hand, granite tiles are much more durable for stains as long as an effective sealant is maintained on the surface liquid spills will not permeate into the surface.




The appearances of both marble tiles and granite tiles are quite different from each other. Granite Tile’s color variation appears as freckling throughout the stone because granite has meddled stones in it like feldspar, mica. Marble, on the other hand, has a grayish or cream color with veins running through it. The veins in marble are usually due to impurities like iron oxide.



The durable quality of granite tiles makes it appropriate for kitchen countertops and hallways where there is high foot activity while marble is more apt for areas where there is less traffic like bathrooms. Marble has a bright and unique look, it is suitable for surfaces that are used less frequently.




Granite tiles and marble tiles both should be installed by professionals as the slabs are really heavy. The approximate cost for both marble and granite is Rs. 50 to Rs. 500 high-end granite is cheaper than its counterpart marble. The actual price however depends on the quality of the stone, the complexity of the job, and the style of the tiles.


How do choose the suitable stone?

So, by now, you know all the properties of both stones. You know the price difference and how their qualities are different. Now for a final selection, you need to consider your project first. If you need a good and affordable design, you can go for marble but if you’re looking for a long-term durable solution and can spend some money as well, going for granite and spending on it is not a bad option at all.




Marble tiles and Granite tiles both have their own unique qualities and properties. In the end, it all depends on the aesthetics and where you’ll use this stone. If you are willing to dedicate some of your time to the maintenance of tiles for a more beautiful and elegant design then go for marble. However, if you want a natural stone with more durability, scratch-resistant properties, and less wear and tear ability then granite is the best option for you.

For more information regarding any other natural stone contact- +91-9928979999

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